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2003 Top of the Pop Charts: 25 Hit Singles

VERLAG: Alfred Music Publications
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Trompete, Kornett oder Flügelhorn
Twenty-five hits from the top artists of 2003. All editions are compatible and can be played separately or together. Titles are: Across the Stars * Complicated * Cry Me a River * Don't Change * Everyday * Everything You Do * Fawkes the Phoenix (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) * The
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Verlag Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentierung Trumpet
Produktformat Buch
Instrument Group Trompete, Kornett oder Flügelhorn
ISBN 9780757912108
No. ALF00IFM0305
Twenty-five hits from the top artists of 2003. All editions are compatible and can be played separately or together. Titles are: Across the Stars * Complicated * Cry Me a River * Don't Change * Everyday * Everything You Do * Fawkes the Phoenix (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) * The Game of Love * Gollum's Song (from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) * Goodbye to You * I'm Gonna Getcha Good! * I'm with You * In a Little While * James Bond Theme * Just a Friend * Life Goes On * Like I Love You * Little Things * Love at First Sight * The Rising * Sk8er Boi * These Days * A Thousand Miles * When I'm Gone * When the Lights Go Down * The World's Greatest.