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KOMPONIST: Philip Brink
VERLAG: Editions BIM
Exegesis - Exposition; esp., a critical explanation of a portion of Scripture. -Webster The rhythmic notation of Exegesis is fairly free; sections in traditional notation should approximate those rhythmic patterns, while arbitrarily long notes, rests, or patterns should be as long as possible. The
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Komponist Philip Brink
Verlag Editions BIM
Instrumentierung Bass Trombone
Produktformat Buch
Instrument Group Posaune
ISMN 9790207002587
Tiijdsduur 00:07:00
Exegesis - Exposition; esp., a critical explanation of a portion of Scripture. -Webster The rhythmic notation of Exegesis is fairly free; sections in traditional notation should approximate those rhythmic patterns, while arbitrarily long notes, rests, or patterns should be as long as possible. The score hints at but does not make explicit any particular dramatic action or effect, which is left to the performer to create or not. While originally conceived and written for a two-valve bass trombone, the work can be effectively performed on any trombone having a single trigger. Substitutions for the low B-natural as well as for some of the more inconvenient pedal notes are indicated in parentheses. For trombonists using a two-valve instrument, the D extension is recommended for reasons of facility. In performing the work, the composer has found that the most successful perfonnance demands the utmost in contrast between soft and loud and between short and long elements. For example, the high A (near the end of the third from last line) and the high C-sharp (just before the end) should be as loud as possible. The interaction between voice and inatrument (next to last line) should be loud, raucous, and dissonant. The following exchange (middle of last line) should be as smooth as possible. Square note heads indicate vocal pitches and letters indicate syllables to be sung. The upward pointing arrow (near beginning of 7th line) indicates a vocal glissando to the highest possible pitch. Gradual rhythmic change is indicated by a "rhythmic crescendo".