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KOMPONIST: Daniel Tosi
VERLAG: Editions BIM
PRODUKTFORMAT: Klavierauszug
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Trompete, Kornett oder Flügelhorn
Ex­plan­a­to­ry Notes: • The “Mun­di­al - Con­cer­to” for trum­pet and pi­a­no (per­cus­sion ad lib.) con­sists of four parts which are con­nect­ed with­out breaks: “Bal­lon d’Alsace”, “Alsa Bar”, “Bal­lon di­rige­able”, “Bal­lon rouge” [“Al­sa­tian Bal­loon”, “Alsa Bar”, “Dirg­ible bal­loon”, “Red
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Komponist Daniel Tosi
Verlag Editions BIM
Instrumentierung Trompete und Klavier
Produktformat Klavierauszug
Instrument Group Trompete, Kornett oder Flügelhorn
ISMN 9790207022493
Tiijdsduur 00:21:00
Ex­plan­a­to­ry Notes: • The “Mun­di­al - Con­cer­to” for trum­pet and pi­a­no (per­cus­sion ad lib.) con­sists of four parts which are con­nect­ed with­out breaks: “Bal­lon d’Alsace”, “Alsa Bar”, “Bal­lon di­rige­able”, “Bal­lon rouge” [“Al­sa­tian Bal­loon”, “Alsa Bar”, “Dirg­ible bal­loon”, “Red bal­loon”]. • For pub­lic per­for­mance it is also pos­sible to play only two move­ments (e.g. 1 & 2 or 3 &4). • Met­ro­nome mark­ings should be ob­served. • Two mutes are re­quired: 1 cup, 1 straight (met­al) • ac­cents > are to be well-marked. They have a strong in­flu­ence on the dy­nam­ic ef­fect of this con­cer­to. • The pi­a­no score is in con­cert pitch.